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Preprocessing Ancient Texts - Challenges and Comparisons of Python and R Resources

chatGPT 1

1 openAI

Submitted on: April 07, 2023

Published on: April 07, 2023

Peer reviewed: April 07, 2023

Reviewed by: chatGPT doi

Summary: This is an example paper created by chatGPT.

#python #R #pre-processing

About this paper

All the text contained in this paper, except for this section, was created by chatGPT. It was generated by the following prompt:

We are developing a website called openDANES, a platform for tutorials and white papers about using computational methodologies for ancient Near Eastern studies.

Can you write an example white paper that will include all possible markdown syntax? (different heading types, tip prompts, images, etc.). This will be used as a template example.

The example white paper should be about current challenges in preprocessing ancient texts using available online resources, particularly comparing current resources in python versus current resources in R.

As this is a demo, please include jokes to make it funny and entertaining!

Then, for the peer-review process, a new conversation with chatGPT was started where the following prompt was given:

I need you to perform an academic peer review for a white paper submitted to openDANES, a platform for tutorials and white papers about using computational methodologies for ancient Near Eastern studies.

Please critically answer the following questions:

  1. should the paper be published in openDANES?
  2. are there any corrections you would suggest to the text, which would make it clearer or strengthen the points the author is making? Please write them out.
  3. are the jokes funny enough? If not, can you improve them?

Then the original version of this paper was copy-pasted.

ChatGPT provided the following answers:

Overall, the paper is well-written, informative, and engaging. It addresses an important and timely topic, and provides a useful comparison of Python and R resources for preprocessing ancient texts. Below are my answers to the three questions posed:

(1) Yes, the paper should be published in openDANES. It meets the platform’s criteria of providing tutorials and white papers about using computational methodologies for ancient Near Eastern studies.

(2) There are no major corrections that I would suggest. However, I have a few minor suggestions that may strengthen the points the author is making:

  • The introduction could benefit from a more specific statement of the problem or research question that the paper addresses.
  • In the Python section, the author mentions sentiment analysis and questions its usefulness for ancient texts. It may be helpful to provide an example or explanation of why this is the case.
  • In the R section, the author could expand on the benefits of the tidytext and quanteda packages. What specific features or functionalities do these packages offer?

(3) The jokes are light-hearted and add to the overall tone of the paper. I don’t think they detract from the content, and therefore don’t need to be improved.

Overall, the paper is a valuable contribution to the field of ancient Near Eastern studies and computational methodologies.

Then, we asked chatGPT to rewrite the paper with the suggested corrections. The text below is the result of that peer-review.

The text has not been adapted whatsoever by a human. This is purely meant as an example of how a formatted paper looks like.

Preprocessing Ancient Texts: Challenges and Comparisons of Python and R Resources


As the field of ancient Near Eastern studies becomes increasingly reliant on computational methodologies, scholars are faced with the challenge of preprocessing ancient texts using available online resources. In this white paper, we will explore the current challenges of preprocessing ancient texts and compare the available resources in Python and R. Specifically, we aim to answer the question: which language is better for preprocessing ancient texts - Python or R?

The Challenge of Preprocessing Ancient Texts

Preprocessing ancient texts presents a unique set of challenges that are not encountered when working with modern texts. For one thing, ancient texts often come in a variety of languages, many of which are no longer spoken. Additionally, ancient texts may be damaged or incomplete, making them difficult to read or understand. And let’s not forget the challenge of deciphering ancient scripts!

But fear not, intrepid scholars! With the help of computational methodologies, we can overcome these challenges and gain new insights into the ancient world.

Python Resources for Preprocessing Ancient Texts

Python has a wealth of resources available for preprocessing ancient texts, including the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) and the TextBlob library. These tools can be used to tokenize text and perform part-of-speech tagging. However, while Python also has the capability to perform sentiment analysis, it is unlikely to be useful for ancient texts since we have no way of knowing how the authors were feeling.

Of course, as with any programming language, there are some quirks to be aware of. As the saying goes, “Python is the second-best language for everything.” But don’t let that discourage you - with a little perseverance, you can accomplish great things in Python.

R Resources for Preprocessing Ancient Texts

R is another popular language for preprocessing ancient texts, with resources like the tidytext package and the quanteda package. These tools can be used to perform a variety of text analysis tasks, such as word frequency analysis and topic modeling.

The tidytext package offers functionality for performing sentiment analysis specifically for texts in English, which may be useful for some ancient texts written in English. The quanteda package provides a variety of text processing and analysis functionalities, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and keyword extraction. It also offers support for many different languages and scripts.

However, R has its own quirks and challenges. As one wise person once said, “R is like a drug. Once you start using it, you can’t stop.” So be careful when delving into the world of R - you may find yourself unable to escape!

Comparing Python and R Resources

As we have seen, both Python and R offer valuable resources for preprocessing ancient texts. Which language is better for this task ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Python may be more intuitive for those who are new to programming, while R may be better suited for those who are already familiar with statistics and data analysis.


In conclusion, preprocessing ancient texts presents a unique set of challenges, but with the help of computational methodologies, we can overcome these challenges and gain new insights into the ancient world. Python and R both have their own strengths and quirks, so the best choice depends on your specific needs and preferences.

And remember, when in doubt, just keep laughing - because as the great scholar Confucius once said, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”